Official Government Website

Apply for a Free ICP Permit

Institutional Controls Program (ICP) permits are required for certain interior projects or exterior work done within the Bunker Hill Superfund Site. This includes home renovations and yard projects. These permits are required regardless of whether you are hiring a contractor or completing the work yourself.

The ICP is implemented by Panhandle Health District (PHD) in Kellogg, Idaho (35 Wildcat Way, Kellogg, Idaho 83837).

Permitting ensures work is completed in a manner that protects workers and residents from exposure to metals, especially lead. An ICP permit must be issued and validated before local governments and other agencies can issue additional work permits. Click here to view a map of the ICP boundaries and determine if your property is within the designated area where licensing and permitting are required or to determine if you qualify for free supplies.

Residential digging showing proper separation techniques
Residential digging showing proper separation techniques

How do I obtain a free ICP permit?

Fill out this form to obtain a permit or determine if a permit is required. For questions, please contact PHD at (208) 783-0707.

How much does it cost?

ICP permits are free. We provide a variety of free materials for use during home renovation projects. We also provide one cubic yard of soil or gravel for small yard projects or the maintenance and restoration of ICP barriers in remediated yards. An ICP permit provides access to soil disposal locations, called repositories, to dispose of contaminated materials. These free disposal sites are the only place to legally dispose of soil, concrete, asphalt, and other contaminated materials. Trailers or other containers may be requested from PHD for contaminated materials from small projects by property owners or renters. After filling the trailers or other containers, PHD staff will pick them up and transport the contaminated material to a repository.

Why do I need an ICP permit?

A permit ensures compliance with specific regulations and guidelines to protect the environment, maintain property values, and ensure the community’s safety. The ICP tracks information provided in permits. Current owners, realtors, and future purchasers can request property disclosure information from the ICP.

How do I find an ICP licensed contractor?

Contractors must be licensed by the ICP to perform excavation, dirt disturbance, and certain interior projects (e.g., crawl spaces and attics) at locations within the Bunker Hill Superfund Site. To request information about licensed contractors contact PHD at (208) 783-0707.

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