Official Government Website

Contractor Licensing

To obtain a licensed contractor list or perform work regulated by the Institutional Controls Program (ICP), contact the Panhandle Health District (PHD) at (208) 783-0707.  Click here to view a map of the ICP jurisdictional boundaries. 

All contractors conducting the following types of work within the ICP jurisdictional boundaries on the Bunker Hill Superfund Site must be licensed by the ICP:

  • Any work that may disturb or change an existing barrier
  • Excavation
  • Grading
  • Construction
  • Building demolition
  • Subdivisions and planned unit developments
  • Interior remodeling
  • Insulation
  • Work in basements or crawl spaces with exposed soils that are contaminated
  • Ceiling or attic work that is likely to disturb contaminated dust or debris
Contractor digging around a utility pole
Permitted Work within ICP Boundaries

These requirements are put into place to ensure work is done in a manner that protects both workers and residents from exposure to metals, especially lead.

How much does it cost to be licensed?

We offer classes Mondays at 8 am and Thursdays at 1 pm, excluding federal holidays, at the Panhandle Health District office in Kellogg (35 Wildcat Way, Kellogg, Idaho). The class is free and takes 1.5 to 2 hours. Large groups may schedule a time when an ICP instructor can come to your place of business.

ICP licenses are valid for the current calendar year and expire on December 31st of each year. Contractors must renew their licenses each year to remain legally able to work within the ICP administrative boundaries. If you have never been licensed before or have let your license expire without renewal for more than 2 years, you will be required to attend our in-person class. All others may renew online.

Obtain a license by calling PHD at (208) 783-0707 to register for a class. Renew your license each year by clicking the button below:

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